The Transformation of Art Education in Anticipation of the Future School
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Art education
Future school
Interdisciplinary integration
Innovative spirit
Educational technology
Social needs
Evaluation and feedback
Teaching staff
Social support



Submitted : 2024-02-10
Accepted : 2024-02-25
Published : 2024-03-11


This paper discusses the transformation of art education in anticipation of the future school, and emphasizes the key role of art education in cultivating students’ creativity, aesthetic ability, thinking ability, and meeting social needs. The shortcomings and delays in the traditional art education mode have become evident, prompting the need to explore innovative educational methods. Digital art education is emerging as a means to offer a more immersive art experience through virtual and augmented reality technologies while broadening students’ cultural horizons. Interdisciplinary integration combines art with science, engineering, mathematics, and other disciplines to cultivate students’ comprehensive literacy and innovative thinking. The innovative spirit and the application of educational technology help students overcome difficulties and continuously improve their work. The article also emphasizes the alignment between art education and social needs, the importance of social support and resources, and the training and development of teachers.


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