Exploration of the Role of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality in Revolutionizing Art Education
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Virtual reality
Augmented reality
Arts education
Technology applications
Educational innovation



Submitted : 2024-10-28
Accepted : 2024-11-12
Published : 2024-11-27


Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technologies have become increasingly important instruments in the field of art education as information technology develops quickly, transforming the conventional art education approach. The present situation, benefits, difficulties, and potential development tendencies of VR and AR technologies in art education will be investigated in this study. By means of literature analysis and case studies, this paper presents the fundamental ideas of VR and AR technologies together with their several uses in art education, namely virtual museums, interactive art production, art history instruction, and distant art cooperation. The research examines how these technologies might improve students’ immersion, raise their learning motivation, and encourage innovative ideas and multidisciplinary cooperation. Practical application concerns including technology costs, content production obstacles, user acceptance, privacy, and ethical questions also come under discussion. At last, the article offers ideas and suggestions to help VR and AR technologies be effectively integrated into art education through teacher training, curriculum design, technology infrastructure development, and multidisciplinary cooperation. This study offers useful advice for teachers of art as well as important references for legislators and technology developers working together to further the creative growth of art education.


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