This study aimed to examine the relationship between junior high school novice English teachers’ emotion regulation and job burnout. To achieve this purpose, a survey consisting of various scales was administered to 133 primary school teachers selected from Yunnan Province in China. Statistical analyses revealed gender differences in job burnout and emotion regulation among these teachers and highlighted the association between these two variables. The findings established that male novice English teachers in junior schools generally experience lower levels of job burnout and possess better emotion regulation skills compared to their female counterparts. Additionally, a strong negative correlation was identified between job burnout and emotional regulation skills, indicating that the stronger the emotional regulation skills, the less likely novice English teachers are to experience job burnout. The study further emphasized caution in the use of cognitive reappraisal as an emotion regulation strategy, as it may have an adverse effect on mitigating job burnout. This study concluded with recommendations for providing junior high school novice English teachers with opportunities to develop and enhance their emotion regulation skills to reduce job burnout effectively.
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