A Study on Literacy Enhancement: Assessing the Impact of Technology-Assisted Reading Instruction on English Language Learners
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Reading comprehension
Vocabulary acquisition
Technology-assisted reading instruction



Submitted : 2024-12-01
Accepted : 2024-12-16
Published : 2024-12-31


The purpose of this research is to assess the impact of technology-assisted reading instruction specifically on English language learners. The interview method was employed and the questionnaire served as the major data-gathering instrument. The respondents of the study were composed of learners. It was evident from the results that technology-assisted reading instruction provided significant benefits for improving reading comprehension through individualized and interesting learning experiences. In addition to promoting more engagement, this method enhances literacy, allowing students to engage in more meaningful conversations in English. Overall, technology-assisted reading instruction has been shown to help English language learners become more motivated and engaged by providing them with individualized, interactive learning opportunities that effectively accelerate their language development.


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