The Challenges in Electrical and Electronic Technology Courses in Vocational Colleges
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Electrical and electronic technology
Vocational colleges
Teaching challenges
Teaching methods
Digital materials



Submitted : 2024-05-24
Accepted : 2024-06-08
Published : 2024-06-23


This paper addresses the challenges in the teaching of electrical and electronic technology in higher vocational colleges and proposes specific countermeasures to improve teaching quality and effectiveness. The countermeasures include optimizing teaching content, emphasizing practical application and innovation, innovating teaching methods, introducing modern instructional approaches, strengthening the teaching team, enhancing teacher quality and practical expertise, upgrading experimental equipment and facilities, enriching curriculum resources, and incorporating digital teaching materials. These measures aim to cultivate high-quality skilled talents, promote social and economic development, and enhance national competitiveness. By adjusting the course structure, incorporating real-world industry cases, and fostering collaboration with enterprises, students can better understand and apply electrical and electronic technology. The introduction of project-based teaching, flipped classrooms, and multimedia technology can enhance student engagement and facilitate independent learning. Furthermore, the improvement of experimental resources and the establishment of online teaching platforms can enhance students’ practical skills and provide a variety of learning resources. These measures contribute to the overall improvement of electrical and electronic technology teaching in higher vocational colleges.


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