Research on Risk Prevention and Resolution Strategies of College Network Ideology in the Context of the Internet
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Network ideology
Colleges and universities
Risk prevention
Public opinion management
Resolution strategy
Theory and practice



Submitted : 2024-05-24
Accepted : 2024-06-08
Published : 2024-06-23


With the rapid development of the Internet, the network ideology of colleges and universities is facing severe challenges. This paper deeply analyzes the root of the risk of network ideology and makes a specific investigation of the status quo of network public opinion in colleges and universities. On this basis, the study explores and puts forward a series of targeted risk prevention and resolution strategies, aiming at providing a systematic solution for the network ideology security of colleges and universities. In this paper, with the combination of theory and practice as the path, we verify the effectiveness and applicability of the proposed strategy through the analysis of the implementation effect of the strategy. This study also provides theoretical support and practical guidance for the prevention and control of ideological risks and public opinion guidance in universities under the network environment, which has important practical significance. With the continuous progress of network technology, the threats to the network ideology of colleges and universities are increasing. For example, the spread of false information has become a serious problem affecting the security of college network ideology.


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