Exploration of the Integration of Curriculum Ideology and Politics into the Educational Pathway of Standardized Training for General Practice Residents
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Curriculum ideological and political education
General practice
General practice residents
Standardized training
Education path



Submitted : 2024-05-24
Accepted : 2024-06-08
Published : 2024-06-23


In recent years, the national higher education reform has proposed the concept of curriculum ideological and political education as a major element. This integration into the standardized training of general practice residents (commonly referred to as general resident training) is an unavoidable trend in the teaching field. Based on the actual situation of our unit at The First Affiliated Hospital of Xi’an Medical University, this paper emphasizes the necessity of incorporating ideological and political education into the general resident training curriculum, despite the absence of pertinent practical experience in how to effectively incorporate such courses into comprehensive residential training. In our hospital, we must assess the ideological and political education in the curriculum of general resident training, proposing a scientific, reasonable ideological and political education concept system for general practice courses, integrating ideological and political education with general practice resident training, and strengthening the team of ideological and political education physicians to teach them to carry out such education, this would foster enthusiasm and initiative. Strengthening admission education and training for general practice resident training, as well as regularly hosting symposiums to share ideas and understand the mission of doctors can provide effective experience for ideological and political education in general resident training courses.


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