Homogenization Construction of Three-Level Teaching Bases for General Practice Medicine Under the Internet+ Model
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Clinical teaching base
Homogenization construction
General practice medicine



Submitted : 2024-05-14
Accepted : 2024-05-29
Published : 2024-06-13


With the continuous expansion of medical student enrollment, the number of clinical teaching bases is gradually increasing. However, there are significant differences in clinical teaching management models and teaching levels among different bases. Most clinical teaching bases have incomplete teaching management systems, inadequate teaching management institutions, insufficient teaching personnel, and inadequate implementation of teaching rules and regulations. This article combines the construction practice of three-level clinical teaching base of the General Medicine College and the First Affiliated Hospital of Xi’an Medical University. We establish a standardized management system for the three-level clinical teaching base; implement a teaching supervision system and strengthen the monitoring of teaching quality; adopt multiple evaluations to test the effectiveness of clinical teaching implementation; explore the path of homogenization construction of teaching bases in terms of unified teacher training, promoting the development of teacher teaching abilities with equal quality and excellence, and providing a reference for improving the quality of medical talent training.


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