Cultivation of Translators for Multimodal Translation in the New Media Age
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Multimodal communication
Multimodal translation
Multimodal translation competencies
Visual literacy
Ability to integrate verbal and non-verbal modes
Curriculum design



Submitted : 2024-04-27
Accepted : 2024-05-12
Published : 2024-05-27


In the 21st century, the development of digital and new media technologies has ushered in an age of pervasive multimodal communication, which has significantly amplified the role of multimodal translation in facilitating crosscultural exchanges. Despite the profound impact of these developments, the prevailing translation pedagogy remains predominantly focused on the enhancement of linguistic translation skills, with noticeable neglect of the imperative to cultivate students’ competencies in multimodal translation. Based on the distinctive characteristics and challenges that multimodal translation presents in the context of new media, this study delves into the formulation of educational objectives and curriculum design for the training of multimodal translators. The intent is to propose a framework that can guide the preparation of translators who are adept and equipped to navigate the complexities and demands of the contemporary age.


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