Effects of Perceived Teacher Support on Student Behavioral Engagement in the Blended Learning Environment: Learning Experience as a Mediator
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Student engagement
Teacher support
Learning experience
Blended learning environment



Submitted : 2024-05-24
Accepted : 2024-06-08
Published : 2024-06-23


Blended learning (BL) has been widely adopted to improve students’ academic achievements in higher education. However, its success relies mainly on student engagement, which plays an essential role in active learning and provides a rich understanding of students’ experiences. The study utilized three self-designed scales—the Teacher Support Scale, Student Engagement Scale, and Student Learning Experience Scale—to gauge and examine the impact and relationship between perceived teacher support, student behavioral engagement, and the intermediary role of learning experiences. A cohort of 899 college students undertaking the obligatory College English course through BL modes across five Chinese universities actively participated by completing a comprehensive questionnaire. The results showed significant correlations between perceived teacher support, learning experience, and behavioral engagement. Perceived teacher support significantly predicted students’ behavioral engagement, with socio-affective support exerting the most substantial predictive effects. All predictive effects were partially mediated by learning experience (learning mode, online resources, overall LMS-based learning, interaction with their instructor and peers, and learning outcome). The influence of perceived teacher support on behavioral engagement differed between students who reported the most positive (vs. negative) learning experiences. Suggestions for further research are offered for consideration.


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