The Importance of Breathing Training in Folk Dance Teaching
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Folk dance teaching
Breathing training
Training methods



Submitted : 2024-04-16
Accepted : 2024-05-01
Published : 2024-05-16


The importance of breathing training in dance teaching is reflected in the two aspects of enhancing the quality of dance movements and sublimating the connotation of dance movements. For example, high-quality breathing can help performers complete the dance movements and improve the coordination of the movements; at the same time, the unique body rhythm formed by breathing can strengthen the visual effect of the performance and convey its spirit and soul to the audience. This requires folk dance teachers to carry out relevant training and teaching activities based on the categories and skills of dance breathing, such as changing students’ ideological cognition, developing periodic breathing training courses, providing personalized guidance to students, and allowing students to adjust their learning and practice methods in the evaluation.


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