Values and Paths of Ideological and Political Education in College English Teaching in Applied Universities
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Applied colleges and universities
College English
Ideological and political courses
Ideological and political education



Submitted : 2024-04-16
Accepted : 2024-05-01
Published : 2024-05-16


As the state promotes teaching reform with the goal of ideological and political education, the teaching of various disciplines in colleges and universities is facing new challenges and novel research topics. In applied colleges and universities, as a compulsory course of general education, the ideological and political education elements have not been deeply explored, and the function of ideological and political education that should be undertaken by English teaching has not been fully realized. This paper analyzes the value of ideological and political education in college English in applied colleges and universities and discusses the effective path of ideological and political education in college English in applied colleges and universities from the four levels of teachers, teaching materials, teaching methods, and curriculum.


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