A Marketing Strategies for Reading Promotion Activities in Academic Libraries: A Case Study of the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology
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University libraries
Reading promotion
Marketing strategies
Library services
Case study



Submitted : 2024-04-16
Accepted : 2024-05-01
Published : 2024-05-16


In the contemporary digital age, traditional reading habits have been compromised by digital media, a situation that has forced academic libraries to adopt proactive marketing approaches to promote reading among students and faculty. This article investigates the implementation of marketing strategies in promoting reading activities within academic libraries, taking the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology as a case study. The paper explores various marketing strategies employed by academic libraries, including market segmentation, utilization of new media platforms, and the creation of personalized content for readers. Drawing from an extensive literature review and real-world examples, the study establishes a framework for marketing reading promotion activities tailored to academic libraries. These findings underscore how effective marketing strategies can enhance user participation, expand library influence, and optimize resource utilization.


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