A Study on the Integration of Chinese Culture in High School English Teaching
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Chinese culture
High school
English teaching



Submitted : 2024-03-09
Accepted : 2024-03-24
Published : 2024-04-08


The inseparable relationship between language and culture indicates that culture teaching is indispensable in English teaching. The ultimate goal of culture teaching in English teaching is to cultivate learners’ cross-cultural communication skills. Cross-cultural communication is a two-way process, which requires not only knowledge of English culture but also the use of English as a medium for disseminating Chinese culture to the outside world. However, in actual English teaching, the teaching of Chinese culture is a mere formality, and the teaching effect is not obvious. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct a survey and research on Chinese culture teaching in high school English classrooms to understand its current situation, existing problems, and their causes, so as to provide suggestions for Chinese culture teaching in high school.


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