Research on the Evaluation of the Implementation Effect of Curriculum Examination Reform: Taking the Course of “Introduction to Language” as an Example
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Introduction to Language
Examination reform
Implementation effect



Submitted : 2024-03-09
Accepted : 2024-03-24
Published : 2024-04-08


“Introduction to Language,” as the core course of the English major, mainly reveals the basic laws of language, enabling the students to have the ability to apply linguistic theories to explain language phenomena and solve specific language problems. This course is highly theoretical and has a certain degree of difficulty. The evaluation of student grades has always been based on examination reform, but several problems have been encountered during the implementation process. This article analyzes the current situation of the reform and implementation of the “Introduction to Language” course examination in applied universities and puts forth suggestions and specific measures to improve the assessment of the course, aiming to enhance the teaching effectiveness of the course and scientifically and comprehensively evaluate students’ abilities.


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