The Influence of Swimming Athletes’ Burnout on Their Sports Participation Motivation in Hunan, China
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Sports participation motivation
Athletes’ burnout



Submitted : 2024-03-11
Accepted : 2024-03-26
Published : 2024-04-10


Objective: This study aims to explore the effect of swimming athletes’ burnout on their sports motivation in Hunan University, China. It seeks to understand how burnout influences various motivational factors, providing insights for optimizing swimming sports courses and enhancing student participation. Method: Employing random sampling, the study surveyed 260 swimming athletes from Hunan University. The research utilized a questionnaire divided into three parts: demographic information, the Athlete Burnout Questionnaire (ABQ), and the Intrinsic Motivation Inventory (IMI). Pearson’s r correlation analysis was conducted using SPSS to examine the relationships between burnout dimensions and motivational factors. Results: The study found significant correlations between a reduced sense of accomplishment and various motivational dimensions, including “interest/enjoyment,” “perceived competence,” “perceived choice,” and particularly “perceived tension.” Physical exhaustion showed a significant correlation only with “perceived tension,” indicating a strong link between psychological stress and physical fatigue. Sports devaluation was significantly correlated with “perceived tension,” suggesting that psychological stress impacts athletes’ valuation of their sport. Conclusion: The findings highlight the complex interplay between burnout and motivation in swimming athletes. Psychological stress, as indicated by “perceived tension,” emerges as a key factor influencing both the physical and emotional aspects of burnout. The study underscores the need for holistic training approaches that balance physical training with psychological well-being, personalized coaching, and supportive environments to enhance intrinsic motivation and manage stress effectively.


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