History Teacher Training from Decolonial Curriculum Practices to Combat Racism at UniProjeção in the Federal District — A Secondary Publication
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Curriculum practices



Submitted : 2024-02-20
Accepted : 2024-03-06
Published : 2024-03-21


This article aims to understand the training process of history undergraduates, to see if there are decolonial curricular practices to combat racism at the Centro Universitário e Faculdade Projeção (UniProjeção) in the Federal District, to understand how coloniality has corroborated the exclusion of different epistemologies and the erasure of different cultures, and how this exclusionary process of coloniality interferes in the training of history teachers. In order to combat this practice, we are looking for alternatives that can break these suppressions carried out by Europeans. In this way, we turn to decolonial ideas that aim to break with the logic of coloniality. We can conclude that these practices are poorly developed in the institution, so we proposed active problem-based methodology and music as a didactic resource. As playful educational tools that strengthen the teaching-learning process, they are active agents in the decolonial work of combating racism, and it is essential to train responsible and ethical teachers in the fight against racism and any form of oppression.


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