The Effectiveness of Peer Feedback on Second Language Writing
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Peer feedback



Submitted : 2024-02-20
Accepted : 2024-03-06
Published : 2024-03-21


Peer feedback is a widely utilized practice in writing classrooms for second languages (L2) that has drawn a lot of attention. While some support the practice because of the clear advantages that peer feedback offers students, others doubt its efficacy. Comparing various forms of feedback is therefore necessary, as is determining the effects that peer feedback has on students and the variables that might affect how successful peer feedback is. This paper focuses on the usefulness of peer feedback for L2 writing, based on a review of studies on the subject. The findings imply that the functions of peer and teacher feedback are distinct, and that peer feedback is advantageous to both parties, particularly to the supplier. The attitudes and cultural backgrounds of the students are among the other factors that affect how effective peer feedback is. Lastly, some implications for future research and education are presented.


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