Research on the Implementation Path of Labor Education in Colleges and Universities from an International Perspective
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International perspective
Colleges and universities
Labor education
Implementation paths



Submitted : 2024-02-20
Accepted : 2024-03-06
Published : 2024-03-21


Universities shoulder the important mission of talent cultivation, scientific research, social service, cultural heritage and innovation, and international exchange and cooperation. International exchange and cooperation have become the fifth major function of universities. Based on the background of the globalization era, undergraduate colleges and universities should pay more attention to the cultivation of students’ intercultural communication and understanding ability while cultivating their professional skills, and take expanding students’ international vision and enhancing the international competitiveness of China’s education as important tasks. Labor education is an important content of the national education system, which has the comprehensive nurturing value of cultivating morality, increasing intelligence, strengthening physical fitness, and cultivating beauty. Higher education institutions should further optimize the system of labor education, expand students’ space and field of thinking in the process of labor education, and broaden students’ international perspectives.


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