Improving Statistical Literacy through Evidence-Based Strategies Among First-Year Education Students in a State University
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Statistical literacy
Evidence-based strategies
Share and model concepts
Nurturing metacognition



Submitted : 2025-01-24
Accepted : 2025-02-08
Published : 2025-02-23


Statistical literacy is crucial for cultivating well-rounded thinkers. The integration of evidence-based strategies in teaching and learning is pivotal for enhancing students’ statistical literacy. This research specifically focuses on the utilization of Share and Model Concepts and Nurturing Metacognition as evidence-based strategies aimed at improving the statistical literacy of learners. The study employed a quasi-experimental design, specifically the nonequivalent control group, wherein students answered pre-test and post-test instruments and researcher-made questionnaires. The study included 50 first-year Bachelor in Secondary Education majors in Mathematics and Science for the academic year 2023–2024. The results of the study revealed a significant difference in the scores of student respondents, indicating that the use of evidence-based strategies helped students enhance their statistical literacy. This signifies a noteworthy increase in their performance, ranging from very low to very high proficiency in understanding statistical concepts, insights into the application of statistical concepts, numeracy, graph skills, interpretation capabilities, and visualization and communication skills. Furthermore, the study showed a significant difference in the post-test scores’ performance of the two groups in understanding statistical concepts and visualization and communication skills. However, no significant difference was found in the post-test scores of the two groups concerning insights into the application of statistical concepts, numeracy and graph skills, and interpretation capabilities. Additionally, students acknowledged that the implementation of evidencebased strategies significantly contributed to the improvement of their statistical literacy.


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