Exploration of the Construction of the Civic and Political Education in Engineering Geology Course
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Engineering geology
Civic and political education
Implementation approach



Submitted : 2024-02-20
Accepted : 2024-03-06
Published : 2024-03-21


The purpose of this paper is to discuss the integration of the elements of civic and political education into the engineering geology course to improve students’ ideological and moral qualities. It is proposed that by integrating elements of civic and political education, students are guided to form a positive attitude toward engineering practice as well as correct values and ethics. With regard to the teaching design and implementation of the course, the implementation paths of teacher team building, careful teaching design, innovative teaching methods, and the integration of civic and politics in practical teaching are proposed to summarize the significance of integrating the elements of civic and political education in the construction of the engineering geology course. It is pointed out that this integration not only improves the quality of the course, but also provides a reference for the civic and political education of other similar professional courses. This integration not only focuses on the teaching of professional knowledge, but also pays more attention to the cultivation of students’ ideology and morality, which provides a model and guidance for shaping new talents with all-round development.


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