Enhancing Proficiency in Quadratic Equations and Functions Through the MILAPlus Strategy
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Mathematics Independent Learning Activity Practice and Play Unite Scheme
Quadratic equations and functions



Submitted : 2024-01-06
Accepted : 2024-01-21
Published : 2024-02-05


This study investigates the efficacy of the Mathematics Independent Learning Activity Practice and Play Unite Scheme (MILAPlus) as an instructional strategy to improve the proficiency levels of Grade 9 students in quadratic equations and functions through a study carried out at Quezon National High School. The research involved 116 Grade 9 students and utilized a quantitative approach, incorporating both pre-assessment and post-assessment measures. The research utilizes a quasi-experimental design, examining the academic performance of students before and after the introduction of MILAPlus. The pre-assessment establishes a baseline, and the subsequent post-assessment measures the impact of the instructional strategy. Statistical analyses, including t-tests, assess the significance of differences in mean scores and mean percentage scores, providing quantitative insights into the effectiveness of MILAPlus. Findings from the study revealed a statistically significant improvement in both mean scores and mean percentage scores after the utilization of MILAPlus, indicating enhanced proficiency in quadratic equations and functions. The Mean Proficiency Scores (MPS) also showed a substantial increase, demonstrating a marked improvement in overall proficiency levels among Grade 9 students. In light of the results, recommendations were given including the continued utilization of MILAPlus as an instructional strategy and aligning its development with prescribed learning competencies. Emphasizing the consistent adherence to policies and guidelines for MILAPlus implementation is suggested for sustaining positive effects on students’ long-term performance in mathematics. This research contributes valuable insights into the practical application and effectiveness of MILAPlus within the context of Grade 9 mathematics education at Quezon National High School.


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