Exploring the Significance and Path of Interdisciplinary Integration of Art Education in Primary and Secondary Schools in the Era of Artificial Intelligence
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Artificial intelligence (AI)
Art education
Primary and secondary art education
Core literacy



Submitted : 2023-12-05
Accepted : 2023-12-20
Published : 2024-01-04


With the advent of the artificial intelligence (AI) era, there is a need to create a more flexible and humanistic educational ecosystem to adapt to the changes. Education needs to move from a unidirectional focus on skills to the cultivation of creative “whole people.” Due to the non-standardized evaluation system of the art discipline, its education has a unique advantage for the cultivation of students’ creativity. At the same time, the interdisciplinary integration of fine arts points to the educational goals in the era of AI and the educational requirements for cultivating students’ core qualities in China. Therefore, this paper analyzes the theoretical basis and developmental evolution of interdisciplinary integration, studies the significance of interdisciplinary integration in art education from the three levels of students, teaching, and disciplines, and explores four effective paths to realize interdisciplinary integration in art education in the era of AI. In this way, students can realize the contextualized analysis of knowledge, in-depth understanding of the content of the discipline, and accurate expression of the spiritual values embedded in art interdisciplinary learning. The ultimate goal is to cultivate students’ ability to solve complex problems, promote the development of students’ free personalities, and respond to the national education requirements.


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