Discussion on Using Classroom Teaching in Satisfying Students’ Emotional Needs and Stimulating Their Interest in Learning
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Affective factor
Cognition factor
Learning motivation



Submitted : 2025-02-12
Accepted : 2025-02-27
Published : 2025-03-14


The English Curriculum Standards particularly emphasize that “we should pay attention to the emotions of each student, cultivate their interest in learning English, help them build a sense of achievement and self-confidence in learning, and enable them to develop comprehensive language-using capabilities, improve humanistic qualities, enhance practical skills, and cultivate a spirit of innovation in the learning process.” The foreign language learning process is an informationprocessing process in which both subjective and objective factors play a great influence. Subjective factors are factors related to the quality of the informant himself, such as cognitive factors, affective factors, and age influence, among which the influence and role of affective factors on foreign language information cannot be ignored. In the teaching process, it is required that teachers use the knowledge of pedagogical psychology for the in-depth understanding of the students and their psychological and emotional needs, and attempt to satisfy them, so that they can have positive emotions and feelings.


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