Analysis of “Teaching” and “Learning” in Interdisciplinary Learning
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Interdisciplinary learning



Submitted : 2024-02-10
Accepted : 2024-02-25
Published : 2024-03-11


After the release of the new curriculum plan, interdisciplinary learning has emerged as a pivotal aspect of curriculum reform in compulsory education. This shift has necessitated a corresponding reform in the teaching and learning methods of fundamental education courses. The implementation of interdisciplinary learning has consequently become a pressing challenge in educational practice. To successfully execute interdisciplinary learning, several key preparations are imperative. Firstly, educators must recognize the significance of interdisciplinary teaching. Secondly, they should clearly understand that the essence of interdisciplinary learning lies in the enhancement of students’ core qualities. Thirdly, teachers need to prioritize their professional development, cultivating a robust understanding of interdisciplinary knowledge and bolstering their proficiency in interdisciplinary teaching. Lastly, students themselves must foster a diverse range of interests, cultivate high-level thinking abilities, and develop effective learning habits across multiple fields.


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