An Innovative Study on the Path of Integrating Curriculum Ideology and Politics in College English Teaching: Taking An Overview of Chinese Culture as an Example
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College English
Curriculum ideology and politics
English teaching
Teaching innovation



Submitted : 2023-12-05
Accepted : 2023-12-20
Published : 2024-01-04


With the rapid development of information technology and the Internet, people can easily and quickly obtain news and information from all over the world. As the state’s requirements for the curriculum ideology and politics are being strengthened, it is necessary to adapt to the needs of the times and integrate ideology and politics into college English teaching. Integration of ideology and politics into teaching is a challenge faced by colleges and universities nowadays, which aims to make ideology and politics alive and well and more acceptable to contemporary college students. In view of this, this paper starts with the importance of the integration of ideology and politics into college English teaching, takes An Overview of Chinese Culture as an example, analyzes new approaches for integrating ideology and politics into the teaching process, and formulates the teaching design centered around these approaches, so as to promote the organic integration of ideology and politics with English teaching.


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