Unveiling the Pedagogical Potency of Quizlet: Enhancing Vocabulary Acquisition and Academic Performance Among Business English Major Students in China
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Vocabulary acquisition
Business English
Academic performance
Language learning
Digital learning



Submitted : 2024-02-10
Accepted : 2024-02-25
Published : 2024-03-11


The effectiveness of Quizlet, an online vocabulary learning tool, in enhancing vocabulary acquisition and academic performance among Business English major students in China was investigated in this study. With emphasis on the importance of vocabulary proficiency for English learners, especially those in English-related majors, this research aimed to understand the impact of Quizlet on vocabulary mastery and its connection to overall academic success. A one-academic-year longitudinal experiment was carried out involving two classes, utilizing quantitative methods for assessing vocabulary retention and academic progress. Improvement was seen in the final exam rankings and vocabulary retention rates in Quizlet-engaged classes. Hopefully, this study could provide valuable insights for educators, curriculum designers, and researchers, guiding the optimization of language acquisition strategies in the digital age.


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