Teaching Innovation and Practice of Basic Computer Courses in Local Colleges and Universities
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Teaching innovation
Practice orientation
Evaluation mechanism
Feedback channel
Students’ independent thinking



Submitted : 2024-02-10
Accepted : 2024-02-25
Published : 2024-03-11


The rapid advancement of information technology poses significant pedagogical challenges for basic computer courses in local colleges and universities. This study proposes a comprehensive framework for instructional innovation, encompassing the restructuring of course content, enrichment of teaching resources, reformulation of instructional methods, and the establishment of feedback channels, as well as a comprehensive framework for optimizing assessment mechanisms. The implementation of this framework has yielded remarkable outcomes, including heightened classroom engagement and academic rigor as well as an overall enhancement in students’ critical thinking and practical skills. These transformative changes have propelled basic computer courses in local higher education institutions to a new stage while offering valuable insights for future pedagogical reforms.


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