Application of the Industry-University-Research Education Model of “Works, Products, and Public Goods” in Design Majors Practical Courses in Colleges and Universities
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Social services
Design major
“Works, products, and public goods”
Teaching reform



Submitted : 2024-02-10
Accepted : 2024-02-25
Published : 2024-03-11


One of the goals and requirements of China’s educational modernization includes prioritizing, guiding, and promoting the social service capabilities of universities. The teaching of practical courses in design majors in colleges and universities has long been plagued by problems such as being “out of touch with the market and social needs” and “ignoring the cultivation of creativity.” It fails to meet the goals and requirements of educational modernization. This article takes the “Fundamentals of Styling and Comprehensive Expression” course offered by the School of Design of Guangxi Normal University as an entry point to study the industry-university-research education method that combines “social service” with the teaching of design professional practical courses. It also attempts to improve “works, products, and public goods” through the establishment of the theoretical model of “product” and the analysis of practical application paths is carried out to solve the problems existing in the traditional teaching of the design major, enhance the social service capabilities of the design major, promote talent employment and industry and social development, and carry out teaching reform attempts.


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