A Study on the Correlation Between LIWC Word Categories and Chinese Composition Writing Performance of Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Grade Students
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Chinese composition
LIWC word categories
Writing performance
Text mining



Submitted : 2024-01-06
Accepted : 2024-01-21
Published : 2024-02-05


This study focuses on the analysis of the Chinese composition writing performance of fourth, fifth, and sixth grade students in 16 selected schools in Longhua District, Shenzhen during the spring semester of 2023. Using LIWC (Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count) as a text analysis tool, the study explores the impact of LIWC categories on writing performance which is scaled by score. The results show that the simple LIWC word categories have a significant positive influence on the composition scores of lower-grade students; while complex LIWC word categories have a significant negative influence on the composition scores of lower-grade students but a significant positive influence on the composition scores of higher-grade students. Process word categories have a positive influence on the composition scores of all three grades, but the impact of complex process word categories increases as the grade level rises.


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