Exploring the Value Path of Integrating the Red Elements of “Zhenjiang Symbol” into Civic Education in Vocational Colleges: Constructing a “1+1+N” Model to Build a New Carrier of Civic Education in an Integrated Way
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Zhenjiang symbol
Red elements
Vocational colleges
Ideological and political education



Submitted : 2022-09-17
Accepted : 2022-10-02
Published : 2022-10-17


Zhenjiang has always been a city of heroes, where revolutionary heroes shed their blood and red genes are passed down from generation to generation. In terms of the Zhenjiang region, a hundred years of struggle to cast the “Iron Army Spirit” of the New Fourth Army in Mao mountain anti-Japanese Base Area, the “Yafu Spirit” that lived up to the people’s expectations of fighting for the city’s glory and poverty alleviation, and the “war spirit” of southern Jiangsu, which was first encountered under Zhenjiang City and was decapitated by the small Lou Lan and other “Zhenjiang symbols” series of Chinese Communist Party spiritual spectrum. The red elements of “Zhenjiang symbols” consists of the blood, tears, and wisdom of the revolutionary predecessors, and shine with the glorious deeds of revolutionary battles. Compared with other schools, vocational colleges are colleges with applied application, practical, and close to nature. How to integrate the red elements of “Zhenjiang symbols” into the classroom of local vocational colleges and a give role to the function of red education has become an important subject of ideological and political education in vocational colleges.


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