Exploring the Path of Cultivating College Students’ Personal Morality in Ideological and Political Theory Courses
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Ideological and political theory courses
College students
Personal morality



Submitted : 2021-12-21
Accepted : 2022-01-05
Published : 2022-01-20


Based on the demand of social development for people with both ability and political integrity, it has been acknowledged that some college students have a problem, where their personal morality does not match their professional knowledge. In short, these students have rich and profound professional knowledge, but their personal morality is lacking. Therefore, the attention to such a problem is called for. This paper analyzes the path of cultivating college students’ personal morality in ideological and political theory courses in the new era, combs and expounds the occurrence mechanism between college students’ personal morality and ideological and political theory courses in the new era, improves the effectiveness of moral cultivation in ideological and political theory courses from four dimensions – teaching materials, teachers, teaching methods, and evaluation, as well as gives full play to the moral cultivation function of ideological and political theory courses in colleges and universities.


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