The Aesthetic Education Value of Thematic Art Creation
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Thematic art creation
Aesthetic education value
Image narration
Aesthetic consciousness



Submitted : 2021-11-30
Accepted : 2021-12-15
Published : 2021-12-30


Thematic art creation is a product of a complex social, historical, and cultural context, and it fills an important position in the development of modern and contemporary Chinese art history. Since the 21st century, with the introduction and implementation of a series of national major thematic art creation projects, thematic art creation has gradually moved from a marginal position in art history to a core area, becoming a visual narrative method with independent aesthetic value. Moving towards cultural consciousness and carrying cultural self-confidence, thematic art creation requires the guidance, standardization, and support of related art theories. The lack and absence of theoretical research restricts the development of thematic art creation. This study combs through the research results and literature materials of thematic art creation since the new century as well as studies the aesthetic education value of thematic art creation image narration.


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