What are the aims of working-class education in China
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Submitted : 2020-11-30
Accepted : 2020-12-15
Published : 2020-12-30


This essay explores the aims of working-class education in China. The word ‘working-class’ is seldom used nowadays but social stratification still exists. Different groups of people in working-class changes with social changes so who are the working-class in China now will be identified firstly. The current aims of working-class education in China will be critiqued through four ideologies in education that are highlighted by Schiro (2013). The Social Efficiency Ideology, the Social Recontribution Ideology, the Scholar Academic Ideology in China will be discussed at the same time. Relative theories like aim-based education to achieve flourishing lives (Reiss & White, 2014) and knowledge-based curriculum reported by Young (2013) are relevant in leading education policies and provoking for future schools and education system. Finally, I will conclude the aims of working-class education and give the implications.