Cultural Differences in Translation
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Submitted : 2020-11-30
Accepted : 2020-12-15
Published : 2020-12-30


Abstract:Translation is to use another kind of language (target language) to express the accurate and complete content which has already been expressed by one kind of language (source language). It is to use the closest natural equivalents to express the information of the source language again from the aspects of meaning and style.

Although there are many common and similar aspects existing in human beings, people living in different countries and districts have a good command of their own cultures which is totally different from others due to the influence of the histories, religions, politics and customs in their own regions. This makes translation difficult to deal with. The paper will focus on the differences of daily lives, sense of value, geographical environments, historical backgrounds and cultural untranslatability which influence translation, and the corresponding ways and skills to deal with cultural differences in translation.