A Study on the Language Localization Process of English for Chinese Students Studying in the UK: A Case Study of Slang
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British slang
Overseas Chinese students
Language localization
International students in the UK



Submitted : 2024-08-04
Accepted : 2024-08-19
Published : 2024-09-03


With the end of the pandemic and a further increase in the number of Chinese students studying in the United Kingdom (UK), many Chinese students are confronted with a range of challenges in terms of English proficiency and cross-cultural shock. As the creativity of Internet cyber buzzwords is high, the occurrence and variability of slang are very high too. Through questionnaires and interviews with fifty-four Chinese international students on their use of slang in the UK, this study summarizes the characteristics of contemporary Chinese international students’ learning and use of British slang and explores the relationship between the use of British slang and the language localization of Chinese international students. According to the results of this research, 70% of the interviewees have come into contact with British slang in their daily lives, but have not specifically studied or thought about its specific role in language localization, so the promotion of language localization by learning and using British slang is worthy of further study. This study provides researchers with a theoretical basis for optimizing the learning method of slang by Chinese international students and opens up ways to promote the language localization of international students.


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