About the Journal

Goals and scope:
International Education Forum (IEF) is an international, peer reviewed and open access journal that aims to promote the development of education around the world, promote new educational concepts and methods, and demonstrate new achievements in the field of education and teaching. Manuscripts are encouraged to be submitted as original article, review, case report, short communication and letters. The covered topics include, but are not limited to: educational internationalization, educational diversification, vocational education, basic education development, curriculum development, educational psychology, educational technology, learning and educational model reform, educational assessment, special education, etc.


Article Processing Charge

The APC for processing each article is AUD 2000. 


Copyright and License


The authors shall retain the copyright of their work but allow the Publisher to publish, copy, distribute, and convey the work.


Educational Reform and Development publishes accepted manuscripts under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). Authors who submit their papers for publication in CAS Medicine agree to have the CC BY 4.0 license applied to their work, and that anyone is allowed to reuse the article or part thereof free of charge for any purpose, including commercial use. As long as the author and original source is properly cited, anyone may copy, redistribute, reuse and transform the content. 

Reuse of article content

Anyone is free to reuse Educational Reform and Development article content licensed under CC BY 4.0 provided that proper attribution is given through citation of the original source.