Enhancing Practical Teaching Models for College Students Through Industry-University Cooperation
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Industry-academia cooperation
College student practice
Teaching model
Innovation ability



Submitted : 2025-01-14
Accepted : 2025-01-29
Published : 2025-02-13


With the rapid development of higher education, industry-university cooperation has emerged as a crucial approach to enhancing the practical and innovative abilities of college students. However, the current practical teaching model for college students faces significant challenges and problems in the context of industry-university collaboration. On one hand, the teaching model suffers from fundamental deficiencies, including a disconnect between theory and practice, low levels of enterprise participation, and insufficient cultivation of students’ practical abilities. On the other hand, specific issues such as a single cooperation model, mismatched teaching content with enterprise requirements, and a lack of practical platforms further constrain the effective enhancement of students’ practical skills. Experimental testing conducted in this study revealed that the measures applied to the experimental group positively impacted students’ practical and innovative abilities, leading to higher innovation scores in the experimental group compared to the control group.


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