Why People Don’t Want to Enter Big Cities? Professional Ties and Small-Town Living Based on The Case of Village in Central China
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Professional ties
Social support
Nearby urbanization
Upward development



Submitted : 2022-05-30
Accepted : 2022-06-14
Published : 2022-06-29


Based on the experience of peasants in Li Village in the Central China, the urbanization process of Chinese farmers does not always continue to develop towards the big cities. Farmers’ willingness to enter big cities is influenced by their professional ties. This study found that, the simple social division of labor in a small-town lead to an infertile development of interpersonal trust. With low-end occupations and high homogeneity, people could not organize their relationships by professional logic. Based on the lack of relationship and trust, social support is insufficient, as a consequence, people start to shrink their social interaction thereby their developmental needs are further inhibited.


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