Editorial Team

Honorary Editor-in-Chief

Prof. Prakash Chandra Agarwal

Regional Institute of Education, NCERT MHRD, Government of India, India

Interests: Pharmaceutical intervention


Dr. Vahid Kouhdaragh

Lancaster University, UK

Interests: Machine learning applications and smart city communication network design in 5G, 4G, Industry 4.0 and 5G


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Fei Liu

Sichuan University of Science&Engineering, China

Interests: Vocational education; Economics of education; Comparative education; The rural development

Associate Editorsr

Dr. Mehdi Khashei

Isfahan University of Technology, Islamic Republic of Iran

Interests: Artificial neural network; Soft computing; Financial decision; Time series prediction

Dr. Jianchun Fang

lnstitute of World Economics Academy of Social Sciences, China

Interests: Energy economics; Sustainable development; The world economy

Prof. Ahmed Abdelwahab Abdelhafez

Ain Shams University, Egypt

Interests: Agricultural microbiology; Bioethanol

Prof. Wei Dong

Department of Food Engineering, Linyi University, China

Interests: Action research; Society and philosophy

Dr. Guizhen Liu

Public Administration, Lyceum University, Philippines

Interests: Sustainable development in the field of public administration

Editorial Board Member

Dr. Jaroslav Salka

Technical University in Zvolen, Slovakia

Interests: Forest policy

Dr. Budeba Petro Mlyakado

Dar es Salaam University College of Education, Tanzania

Interests: Education psychology and curriculum studies

Mrs. Mohamed Amin Nurow

Moi University, Kenya

Interests: Educational psychology and curriculum research

Prof. Alean Threep Al-Krenawi

Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Social Work, Israel

Interests: Educational psychology and curriculum research

Ruth Sterlin

Illinois Society for Clinical Social Work, United States

Interests: Educational psychology and curriculum research

Dr. Nkhangweni Mahwasane

University of Limpopo, South Africa

Interests: Early childhood education

Dr. Salahuddin M Jaber

Hashemite University, Jordan

Interests:Remote Sensing

Dr. Manuel Alejandro Guerrero

University Iberoamericana, Mexico

Interests: Analysis of the media in new democracies

Dr. Josep Gallifa

Ramon Llull University, Spain

Interests: Basic theory of education; Educational policy and management; Teacher education; Education innovation

Dr. Ramesh Chandra Paudel

Australian National University / Kathmandu University, Nepal

Interests:International trade; Trade Facilitation in South Asia

Prof. Karon Nicol Lecompte 

Baylor University, Waco, Texas, United States

Interests: Action research; Society and philosophy