The Factors That Contribute to the High Death Rate of Black People in America
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Black people
Mortality rate



Submitted : 2023-06-24
Accepted : 2023-07-09
Published : 2023-07-24


During the Covid-19 pandemic, the black mortality rate in the United States of America appears to be higher than that of any other population group. It is interesting as to what factors cause black people to be more susceptible and vulnerable to the coronavirus. Black population is the main focus of this paper. The topic we want to investigate is the outstandingly high mortality rate for the black in the U.S. Throughout the research, we discussed the current situation of black people, demographic and socioeconomical, and conduct mathematical analysis (mainly multivariate OLS method) to try to find out the connection between three different variables: 1. black mortality rate, 2. black infection rate and 3. chronic underlying disease rate. Eventually, we conclude that chronic underlying health conditions rate and infection rate are positively correlated with the death rate of the black population across the United States. One way to interpret this finding is that worse body conditions are less capable of withstanding the attack of Covid-19 and side effects of provisional treatment before vaccine is invented. However, lower respiratory diseases surprisingly turn out to be negatively correlated with the death caused by Covid-19. One plausible interpretation for this surprising result is that people who have gotten such lower respiratory diseases have better precautionary awareness. They may also be more familiar with the healthcare amenities concerned such as masks and ventilators because lower respiratory diseases and Covid-19 fall in the same category.