Teacher Stress During Educational Processes with Physical and Remote Attendance Regarding the Covid-19 Pandemic – A Secondary Publication
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Teaching stress
Teaching professional development
Work stress
Teaching learning



Submitted : 2024-03-25
Accepted : 2024-04-09
Published : 2024-04-24


The integration of new technologies and the increase in workload have influenced teaching performance, thereby affecting the development of teaching-learning activities. The balance between time dedicated to professional practice and time available for physical and psychological rest is analyzed based on the definition of stress as a collection of daily situations that impact the personal and professional development of an individual, which escalated during the COVID-19 pandemic with the rise of virtual educational practices. The study, conducted in two educational units in Quito, Ecuador, involved administering the Maslach Burnout Inventory questionnaire to 155 participants, alongside collecting data on sociodemographic variables. Statistical analysis was performed using the JASP 0.15 program. The results indicate the level of work stress experienced by teachers, depending on various sociodemographic variables including rural or urban setting, gender, age, level of education, marital status, and cohabitation arrangements. A statistically significant correlation (< 0.001) was observed, particularly regarding the challenge faced by over half of the participants (0.51) in finding time for postgraduate studies. Additionally, a moderate correlation was found between inattention and various symptoms: frustration (0.46), guilt (0.36), weariness (0.26), tiredness (0.51), lack of attention (0.26), and the importance of work (0.43). These findings prompt a discussion on the allocation of time and workload for teachers, irrespective of their location in rural or urban areas.


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