A Survey and Analysis of Assessment Literacy among College Foreign Language Teachers in China: A Positive Psychology Perspective
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Positive psychology
College foreign language teachers
Assessment literacy
Assessment for learning



Submitted : 2024-03-24
Accepted : 2024-04-08
Published : 2024-04-23


In the current realm of college foreign language education, the diversification of students’ learning needs underscores the necessity of effectively implementing 'assessment for learning' via assessment practices, thereby presenting fresh demands for the enhancement of assessment literacy among college foreign language instructors. Based on positive psychology, this study took some college foreign language teachers from Henan Province of China as the research subjects, explored the current status and existing problems of their assessment literacy through questionnaires and interviews, and analyzed the constraints hindering the enhancement of their assessment literacy. Additionally, to further investigate the effectiveness of positive psychology interventions in enhancing their assessment literacy, the researcher conducted two rounds of classroom observations involving a comparative analysis of pre- and post-intervention assessments to investigate the impact of post-intervention assessments on various aspects such as teaching quality, students’ learning outcomes, as well as their personality traits. The results revealed that positive assessment and feedback from college foreign language teachers can contribute to shaping students’ positive personality traits, igniting their motivation and potential for learning, and ultimately enhancing teaching effectiveness. Through assessment practices, genuine efforts can be made to implement assessment for learning, ultimately promoting students’ comprehensive development.


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