Professor Jing-Yao Sun, a prominent figure in Chinese comparative literature and a renowned scholar in the field, has made significant contributions to the study of “paraliterature,” an area often overlooked by Chinese scholars. Since the early 1980s, he has been at the forefront of exploring Suzhou Pingtan through a literary perspective. In the 21st century, he emerged as a leading authority in the comparative analysis of “paraliterature,” particularly through his examination of storytelling between China and America. Furthermore, his insightful exploration of the essence of Ion’s oral literary performance and Plato’s misconceptions has paved the way for a deeper understanding of “paraliterature.” Professor Sun’s methodologies have profoundly inspired subsequent generations of comparative literature students in China, motivating them to contribute more to the study of international comparative literature.
Ma L, 2011, A Study on the French La paralittérature School. Jinan University Press, Guangzhou.
Jin H, 2014, A Study on the Sub-Texts of Modern Chinese Literature Around the Text. Wuhan University Press, Wuhan.
Luan D, 2019, A Study on French Otherized Literature. Sun Yat-Sen University Press, Guangzhou.
Couégnas D, 1992, Introduction à la Paralittérature [Introduction to Paraliterature]. Editions du Sueil, Paris.
Chevral Y, 1989, La Littérature Comparée: Que Sais-je? [Comparative Literature: What do I Know?]. Presses Universitaires de France, Paris.
Liu X, Wu J, Wang F, 2007, The Reclamation and Construction of Comparative Literature in the New Era. Anhui University Press, Hefei.
Sun J, Ma K, 1984, The Artistic Charm and Aesthetic Significance of Balladry. Journal of Guangxi University (Philosophy and Social Science), 1984(1): 68–72.
Sun J, 2004, On Canonized Literature and Paraliterature – Taking the Comparison between American Story-Telling and Chinese Ping Tan as an Example. Journal of Wenzhou Teachers College, 2004(3): 29–35.
Sun J, 2004, On Canonized Literature and Paraliterature. Literature and Art Theory Research (Renmin University of China Photocopying Materials), 2004(11).
Sun J, Xia J, 2005, On the Essence of Verbal Art as Performance in Ion and Plato’s Misjudgement. Journal of Shanghai Teachers University, 2005(3): 74–79.
Qian Z, 1979, Jiu Wen Si Pian [Four Old Texts]. Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House, Shanghai.
Weisstein U, 1974, Comparative Literature and Literary Theory: Survey and Introduction. Indiana University Press, Bloomington.
Zeng X, Li W, 2018, Intensive Reading Classics and Cases of Comparative Literature. Wuhan University Press, Wuhan, 35–41.
Zhou Huang Z, 2018, A Study on Kant’s Theory of Common Sense. The Commercial Press, Beijing.
National Cadre Training Textbook Compilation and Review Steering Committee, 2015, Building a Strong Socialist Culture. People’s Publishing House: Party Building Reading House, Beijing.