Analysis of the Related Problems of Campus Green Space in Relieving College Students’ Psychological Stress
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Campus green space
Environmental psychology
Landscape aesthetics
Landscape healing



Submitted : 2024-03-25
Accepted : 2024-04-09
Published : 2024-04-24


This paper analyzes the problem of campus green space in relieving college students’ psychological pressure. It discusses this issue from five aspects: the source of pressure, the significance of alleviating pressure, the theoretical analysis of how green spaces can relieve pressure, the principles to be followed when using campus green spaces to alleviate pressure, and the selection of appropriate green spaces. Furthermore, it examines the role of campus green spaces in alleviating pressure for college students and proposes methods and principles for utilizing green spaces to relieve pressure. The aim is to summarize and analyze recent developments and accomplishments in utilizing green spaces for stress relief, thereby further guiding research in this area.


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