A Survey of the Literature About the L2 Motivational Self System Theory
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L2 motivation
L2 motivational self system (L2MSS)
Languages other than English (LOTEs)
English as a foreign language (EFL)



Submitted : 2023-11-29
Accepted : 2023-12-14
Published : 2023-12-29


The second language (L2) motivational self system (L2MSS) literature has been analyzed for this investigation. The results offer a theme-by-theme comprehensive summary of L2MSS research. The field has shown strong growth since 2005, and a wide range of interesting issues have emerged. The most common approach uses cross-sectional data, quantitative techniques, university students, English as the target language, and Asian contexts, including China. A significant discovery of the research is the parallel expansion of studies on multilingualism and English as a foreign language in recent years, suggesting an acknowledgment of the significance of both strands for a thorough comprehension of language learning motivation. This trend implies that the discipline is actively working to overcome its bias toward monolingual speakers and is growing more accommodating to the requirements of a wider variety of language learners. This study provided fresh insight into the conceptual knowledge structure of a topic from a methodological standpoint, highlighting areas for future research and providing insights into knowledge gaps.


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