The field of translation unfolds as a complex narrative, weaving together triumphs and tribulations, often overshadowed by instances of rejection. Translation, as an act, has undergone significant evolution, transcending mere language transfer. Modern perspectives emphasize the imperative integration of the source language author, text, translator, and recipient of the target language text, seamlessly interwoven. This integration hinges on the translator’s utilization of various competencies and methodologies to acquire, retain, and effectively apply information. To navigate the intricacies of translation, scholars have devised numerous strategies and procedures to dissect the points at which translation shifts occur. Despite the diversity of approaches and the resulting terminological confusion, the field remains dynamic and ever-evolving. The quest for a universal theory of translation persists, marking an ongoing journey in this complex and multifaceted realm.
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Jääskeläinen R, 1999, Tapping the Process: An Explorative Study of the Cognitive and Affective Factors Involved in Translating, thesis, University of Eastern Finland.
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