Project AKAY Approach: A Reading Intervention for Non-Readers
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Homogenous group
Adequate knowledge



Submitted : 2024-02-07
Accepted : 2024-02-22
Published : 2024-03-08


The Project Adequate Knowledge Acquisition for Young Learners (AKAY) approach serves as an intervention designed to support Grade 4 students who have experienced significant cognitive challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This approach places a strong emphasis on the advantages of homogenous grouping in the teaching process. Its main objective is to assist students in acquiring fundamental skills, including knowledge of the alphabet, letter sounds, reading of consonant-vowel-consonant (CVC) pattern words, numerical comprehension, handwriting of names, and following simple directions. This study delved into the implementation of the Project AKAY approach for Grade 4 students attending Marawoy Elementary School in Lipa City during the 2022–2023 academic year. The researcher aimed to assess the reading proficiency of these students using the Philippine Informal Reading Inventory (PHIL-IRI) assessment both before and after the implementation of the approach. The study also examined the extent to which the Project AKAY approach was utilized to guide students in acquiring these essential skills. Additionally, the research explored the challenges faced by teachers in implementing the Project AKAY approach and their strategies for overcoming these challenges. The study employed a descriptive quantitative research design and employed purposive sampling as the chosen sampling technique. Data collection relied on the PHIL-IRI assessment tool and interviews as research instruments. The collected data underwent thorough analysis, including statistical treatments such as frequency and percentage calculations. Ultimately, the research findings indicated that the Project AKAY approach effectively served as an intervention for non-readers.


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