Research on the Current Situation of Occupational Stress among Young University Teachers in China
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Young university teachers
Occupational stress
Current situation



Submitted : 2025-01-08
Accepted : 2025-01-23
Published : 2025-02-07


With the development of the international education environment and the continuous reform of higher education in China, the working pace in universities is accelerating, with higher requirements for university work and increasingly apparent pressure on teachers. Young teachers in Chinese universities are prone to occupational stress. In addition to undertaking teaching, research, and other tasks, they feel anxious and at a loss when facing personal issues such as job promotion and taking care of their families. This article selects young teachers from some universities in China as research subjects and uses a questionnaire survey method to understand the current situation and sources of pressure on young teachers in universities, so as to focus on and alleviate their stress in a targeted manner.


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