The Advanced French course is a core subject for the major of French, and ideological and political education is an important component of its teaching. By restructuring the teaching content according to the educational modules of ideological and political education, we can provide a more comprehensive and systematic educational experience. Empowered by information technology, this approach broadens the dimensions of ideological and political education in the Advanced French course. Meanwhile, the learning outcomes from the “first classroom” can be transformed into the results of the “second classroom” through social platforms such as WeChat public accounts, micro-video competitions, and innovation projects, achieving the effect of spreading Chinese culture and telling Chinese stories. By using diverse evaluation criteria, we continuously improve teaching and learning activities and innovate the teaching model of ideological and political education.
Yang H, 2021, Exploratory Study on the Practice of Civic and Political Thinking in Foreign Language Courses in Chinese Universities—Taking College Students’ “Telling China in Foreign Languages” as an Example. Foreign Languages, 2021(02): 10–17.
Wen Q, 2021, The Connotation and Implementation Framework of Civic Politics in University Foreign Language Courses. Chinese Foreign Language, (2): 47–52.
Xu J, 2021, Research on the Construction of Civic and Political Content of Teaching Materials of English Courses in Colleges and Universities. Foreign Language Community, 2021(02): 18–24.
Zhang D, Gu X, 2022, Exploring the Innovation Mode of English Teacher Training Program’s Ideology and Politics with the Assistance of Information Technology—Taking the Chinese Culture Content in Multimedia and Foreign Language Teaching as an Example. Foreign Language E-learning, 2022(04): 34–41.